Insurance or Home-Related Issues
When disaster strikes within your home, you’re going to have a lot on your hands. If you throw keeping your belongings safe into the mix, the list for getting everything back to normal might seem endless.
With PODS, however, the items in your house are things you don’t have to worry about. We’re a mobile storage company with a difference. Instead of having to worry about moving your belongings to a storage site so you can make essential repairs, we’ll bring the self-storage to you.
Placed in your front yard or wherever you’d like it, your container will be on your doorstep, ready for you to move your belongings in and out as they’re needed.
Think of it as an extension to your home. Whether it be a burst water main or insurance complications, your container will be a safe, secure and convenient way for you to store your items.
If you don’t want it in your front yard or if you need to store your items for longer, no problem – one of the PODS drivers will be happy to collect your container and move it to our secure Storage Centre. Whether it takes a few weeks or a few months, we’ll keep your belongings safe until you’ve got your home back to normal.
Benefit from the flexibility of PODS today. Get in touch for your free, no-obligation quote now.